
The Canadian government is constantly looking for business owners, investors, and managers of all kinds who are eager to settle down and explore new prospects in Canada. These individuals can apply to any of the many expedited business immigration programs available. With Canada’s diversified and rapidly expanding economy, your knowledge and business acumen can be extremely valuable assets that you can use to invest in your future.


We can assist you with your immigration to Canada if you are an investor or business owner. To check your eligibility and explore your alternatives, simply complete our free business immigration evaluation.

Investor Programs

Based on your qualifications, expertise, and personal wealth, you could be able to apply for one of Canada’s investor immigration programs, which offer fast-tracked investor visas in exchange for an applicant’s contributions to the country’s economic development.

Federal Venture Capital Program

You might be eligible to apply for the Federal Venture Capital Pilot Program if you are a savvy management or owner of a company with a personal net worth of more than $10 million. For a maximum of 15 years, qualified candidates must invest $2 million, with no certainty, in order to obtain an investor visa (Permanent Residency).

Quebec Investor Program

Applying for a Quebec Investor Visa is one way for immigrant investors who want to establish themselves in the province of Quebec. Candidates with managerial expertise in lawful farming, commercial, industrial, or professional businesses and a minimum personal net worth of $2 million are sought after by the province. A $1.2 million, guaranteed investment over five years will be needed from qualified investors.

Provincial Nominee Programs for Investors

Applying through the Provincial Nominee Program’s investor stream gives residents of some provinces the chance to immigrate to Canada with an investor visa. Based on their unique economies, possibilities, and market gaps, each province will create their own set of regulations and qualifying standards. A province’s provincial immigration program may allow you to be nominated to start the process of obtaining a Canadian investment immigration visa if you are interested in relocating there and making investments.

Entrepreneur Programs

Canada welcomes qualified startups and small enterprises, and as long as you collaborate to support the country’s economy and generate jobs for its people and permanent residents, like you, Canada will assist your company go to new heights.

Federal Startup Visa

With the help of authorized Canadian private sector organizations and funding, business owners can expand their enterprises in Canada. In exchange for boosting the country’s economy and generating jobs for both citizens and residents, they can also obtain a Canadian Startup Visa. Candidates do not need to contribute any of their own money in order to achieve the program’s eligibility standards, in contrast to Immigrant Investor programs or the Federal Entrepreneur program. Rather, one or more approved organizations must provide them with a minimum venture capital or angel investment.

Quebec Entrepreneur Program

By starting or purchasing a firm in the province of Quebec, you could be able to apply for a firm Entrepreneur Visa if you are an experienced management or businessperson with a mediocre command of the French language. For international enterprises, there are two tracks under the Quebec Entrepreneur Program.

Provincial Nominee Programs for Entrepreneurs

Through the Provincial Nominee Program’s separate entrepreneur stream, several provinces are able to propose candidates. In the event that you fulfill the province’s eligibility conditions and express interest in relocating and operating a business there, you can be considered for nomination for Permanent Residence.

Self Employed Programs

You could get a business immigrant visa for yourself and your immediate family if you’re a professional athlete, farmer, or craftsman who wants to relocate to one of Canada’s provinces or territories.

Federal Self-Employed Program

The Federal Self-Employed Persons Program evaluates business immigration applicants using a point-based grading system. In addition, applicants must demonstrate their ability to work for profit as self-employed in any Canadian province other than Quebec by presenting two years of relevant work experience in their field.

Quebec Self-Employed Program

The Quebec Self-Employed Program, like its federal equivalent, requires candidates to show that they can operate successfully as independent contractors in their industry. Like all of this province’s immigration programs, this one also has a $100,000 minimum net worth threshold and a residency requirement in Quebec.

Provincial Nominee Programs for Self Employed Workers

An applicant may choose to apply under the Provincial Nominee Program’s separate Self-Employed stream if they want to settle in that province. There are numerous eligibility overlaps that may be observed in other corporate immigration streams, such as years of experience and proof of personal funds, but each province and territory has its own unique set of standards and selection criteria.