Study Permit

A person can legally enroll in classes at a designated learning institution (DLI) in Canada with the help of a study permit. A foreign national applying for a study permit should be informed that certain prerequisites for eligibility must be fulfilled before the application can be submitted. Additionally, some requirements must be fulfilled for the duration of the student’s stay in Canada.

It is advisable to make plans ahead of time to guarantee that your study permit will be approved before the start of your study period, as numerous procedures are involved in the application process and processing timeframes differ significantly between countries. September, January, or May are when most Canadian post-secondary education programs start classes, while some do have intakes outside of those times.

Student Direct Stream

Some overseas students can expedite the process of obtaining study permits by utilizing Canada’s Student Direct Stream, also known as SDS Canada. It takes 20 days on average for SDS applications to be processed.

You might be qualified to apply for a Canadian study visa via the Student Direct Stream if you reside in any of the following Asian or African nations:

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Brazil
  • China
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • India
  • Morocco
  • Pakistan
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Senegal
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Vietnam

The individual must reside in one of the aforementioned nations in order to qualify for SDS. In addition, the individual needs to possess the following documents:

  • Acceptance letter from a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) in Canada
  • Upfront medical exam confirmation document
  • Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) of $10,000 CAD
  • Proof that tuition fees for the first year of study in Canada have been paid
  • Proof of graduation from a Canadian curriculum high school or a language test showing either:
    • Score of at least 6 in each category of the IELTS
    • Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens score of at least 7 for French

Your spouse, partner, and dependent children may come with you when you apply through SDS Canada, and may also be eligible for faster processing times when submitting applications for work permits, study permits, or visitor visas.

All family members must complete and submit their applications at the same time. When you apply online, indicate that you have family members coming with you to Canada. This lets you complete their applications at the same time as yours.

Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP)

A post-graduation work permit (PGWP) is an open work permit granted to foreign students upon completion of their studies in Canada. PGWP holders are free to work anywhere in Canada for any employer for as many hours as they like.

PGWPs are an excellent method to gain priceless work experience in Canada and are valid for eight months to three years. Having work experience in Canada opens up many doors for a person seeking permanent residency in Canada.

The PGWP does not require a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), in contrast to the majority of work permits in Canada. PGWPs give qualified graduates the chance to obtain useful job experience in Canada. Many foreign nationals can apply for Canada’s permanent residency programs after gaining sufficient work experience in the country.

For a foreign national to be eligible for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), they need to be at least eight months of full-time study in Canada and be at least eighteen years old. One of the following program categories must have been completed at a Designated Learning Institution (DLI) as part of the study program. Additionally, a foreign national has 180 days from the end of their academic program to apply for a work permit.

An applicant must have valid status at the time of application if they are applying from within Canada. Before applying for the PGWP, they may apply for guest status if their study permit has expired or is about to expire. On the other hand, candidates who apply for a PGWP before their study permit expires can start working full-time right away while their application is being processed. Applicants from abroad are eligible to apply for a PGWP.

The Post Graduation Work Program is intended to give foreign students studying in Canada an expedient way to become citizens of the nation. An individual can apply under the Canadian Express Entry immigration procedure with tremendous advantage if they can connect their education in the country with significant full-time work experience. An Express Entry applicant will earn significant bonus points towards their comprehensive ranking system (CRS) score if they possess Canadian job experience and educational credentials. This will increase their competitiveness in the process of obtaining permanent resident status.